Traveler’s journey has arrived in the country of Natlan which is very famous for its tribes. And even though Natlan walks with many tribes, they live side by side and there are rarely any clashes between the tribes. Moreover, everyone will immediately unite to repel the Abyss that is attacking their country.
There are six tribes in Natlan, each tribe has its own advantages and uniqueness. Making them different from the others but still synergizing with each other. So, in this article the author will describe the 6 Natlan tribes in Genshin Impact, complete with their characteristics.
Explanation of Genshin Impact’s Natlan Tribe and its Uniqueness
Below is an explanation for each Natlan Tribe that is known so far:
1. Echo Child

- Tribe Name: Nanatzcayan
- Element: Geo
- Saurian: Tepetlisaurus
- Location: Tequemecan Valley
- Tribal Chief: Pacal
- Occupation: Miner, Digger, Gemologist
We will open this article with the Children of Echoes or Nanatzcayan tribe. This tribe lives in the Tequemecan Valley area, an area that we first encountered when we set foot in Natlan after crossing the Sumeru desert.
If you want to find friends to mine with, then look to this tribe. They were skilled miners, diggers, and gemologists. They have at least 19 mining teams, and Tepetlisaurus who is an expert in digging the ground as his Saurian partner. Xilonen is one of their skilled craftsmen, you know!
Eits, not only mining, they also like playing music and dance breakyou know! You can see for yourself that there is a stage in this tribe that is full of young people battle dance!
2. Canopy Top Trunk

- Tribe Name: Huitztlan
- Element: Dendro
- Saurian: Yumkasaurus
- Location: Coatepec Mountain
- Tribal Chief: Wayna
- Occupation: Explorer, Courier, Hunter
Next there are the Scions of the Canopy with the other name Huitztlan, a tribe that inhabits the Coatepec Mountain area which is full of high and steep cliffs. Even their tribal center is on the brink, you know!
However, there is no need to worry about the ‘unique’ geological conditions, because the people of this tribe are known as explorers, messengers and package carriers (couriers), and expert hunters. What’s more, they live side by side with Yumkasaurus as their Saurian friends.
Conditions in this tribal area are not friendly, but young people still come there because they like challenges. They often do extreme sports and this is also the reason why the Adventurers Guild is dominated by Huitztlans. It’s no surprise that ‘rhino’ characters like Kinich and Mavuika come from this tribe.
3. Springs Residents

- Tribe Name: Meztli
- Element: Hydro
- Saurian: Koholasaurus
- Location: Toyac Springs
- Tribal Chief: Amina
- Occupation: Tour Guide, Relaxation Provider, Cartographer
Tired of mining and extreme sports in the two previous tribes, you have to relax and have fun in the People of the Spring or Meztli tribe. This tribe inhabits an area full of waters and hot springs called Toyac Springs.
The People of the Springs have a long history as Tour Guides and Cartographers (map makers) and they live with Koholasaurus as their Saurian companions. This tribe utilizes natural and artificial springs; the first is for local residents, while the second is for foreigners who cannot stand the hot temperature of natural springs.
Apart from that, they often gather to fish, listen to music and relax. Well, basically the area in this tribe is really suitable for those of you who want to go on holiday!
4. Feather-Flower Clan

- Tribe Name: Tlalocan
- Element: Pyro
- Saurian: Qucusaurus
- Location: Quahuacan Cliff
- Chieftain: Mutota
- Occupations: Ranger, Warrior, Qucusaur Rider
Next there is the Flower-Feather Clan or Tlalocan who inhabit Quahuacan Cliff. Just like the Scions of the Canopy tribe, the Flower-Feather people also inhabit high cliffs.
But, don’t worry because most of them already have strong ties to the Saurian Qucusaurus. So, flying here and there, even to high places, is not a problem. Those who have been able to gain Qucusaurus’ trust are called “Qucusaurus Riders”, and they are tasked with patrolling and guarding Natlan, especially forbidding tourists from setting foot on Ochkanatlan.
Meanwhile, those who fail are called “Wingless”, and it is definitely difficult to live in this tribe as a “Wingless”, because this means they have not been able to gain the Qucusaurus’ trust and will make it difficult for them to fly on patrol in the future.
5. Night Wind Expert

- Tribe Name: Mictlan
- Element: Cryo
- Saurian: Iktomisaurus
- Location: Tezcatepetonco Mountains
- Chieftain: Biram
- Occupation: Shaman, Supervisor of Ley Lines and Phlogiston
Of all the tribes in Natlan, perhaps the Master of the Night-Wind or Mictlan tribe is the one most closely related to the Night Kingdom. Their main role is as Shamans (if we call them “Shamans”) who often hold rituals to communicate with Wayob in order to gain knowledge and guidance.
They are also responsible for monitoring the health of the Natlan and Phlogiston Ley Lines. And many come to this tribe to receive spiritual services such as reading fortunes or asking for blessings on their tools. This tribe is also experts in story telling, record keeping, medicine, astral projection. The most important thing is to rely on spiritual power!
Even though their tribe was the closest to the center of Natlan city, they were known for their eccentric and secretive characteristics. Most of the Mictlan tribe members encountered outside their settlements are traveling doctors.
6. Multiple Collections

- Tribe Name: Teteocan
- Element: Electro
- Saurian: Tatankasaurus
- Location: (TBA)
- Chieftain: Acatl
- Occupation: (TBA)
Of all the Natlan tribes, it is the Collective of Plenty or Teteocan tribe that has never been touched at all by Travelers. So, information about this tribe is still relatively limited.
But, according to information from several dialogues and readings, this tribe is famous for their bodybuilding competitions and strength contests. Even though they lived the farthest from the Sacred Fire Stadium, the fruit and vegetables of this tribe were the best along Natlan. This is because their tribe is located near a volcano, where the land is definitely healthy and fertile.
That is information regarding the tribes in the Natlan Genshin Impact region. If you had the chance to be born as the character Natlan, which tribe would you be, bro? Share your opinions in the comments column, OK!
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