
Best Hou Yi Honor of Kings Build, The Majesty’s Farm Lane is Dangerous!

Build Hou Yi the Honor of the Kings – The Honor of Kings game has many heroes who have unique skills and mechanics. And of course there are also heroes who are very easy to use.

One hero who is very easy to use is King It means Farm Lame is Hou Yi. This hero is one of the first heroes that players can use because it is quite easy to play.

In this article, Gamebrott will share the best Hou Yi Honor of Kings Build that you can try now to push to Grand Master. Let’s immediately discuss this hero!

Build Hou Yi the Honor of the Best King

Hou Yi goods

Hou Yi is an ADC/Farm Lane that is very easy to use. This is because the skills he has are not that complex and are quite easy to understand for players, especially newbies in HoK.

This hero’s passive skill will give him a stack for every Basic Attack. This stack will add ASPD and when the stack is full, Hou Yi will become Enhanced for 3 seconds where the Basic Attack can produce 3 arrows with a total damage of 130% of Basic Attack and gives an on-hit effect of 50% of the initial Basic Attack.

Skill 1 will give this hero Enhanced Basic Attack for 5 seconds, and if used when the passive stack is full, the skill will produce 3 arrows with 120% Basic Attack damage where the arrows will provide a 60% on-hit effect.

The skills of these 2 heroes allow him to shoot arrows into a map area around him and provide vision of that area. Enemies affected by this skill will be affected by magic damage and slow effects.

Hou Yi’s ultimate is an arrow that can be shot along the map and causes great damage and stun, where the further the arrow lands, the longer the stun is received.

With a combination of these skills, you need Arcana and items that are suitable for this Hou Yi HoK Build. The following are items that are suitable for use by the ADC.


1. Stunt Shoes

Dexterity Shoes
Dexterity Shoes
  • +60 Movement Speed
  • +20% Attack Speed
  • Basic Attack Gives 3~40 HP Heal per hit, effect reduced by 50% for non-hero units.

The first item that can be used is of course shoes. And suitable shoes are Boots of Dexterity because this item provides Attack Speed ​​and Lifesteal so that Hou Yi is safe in the Early Game.

2. Sword of Eternity

Sword of Eternity
Sword of Eternity
  • +110 Physical Attack
  • +20% Critical Rate
  • Relentless (Takes 20% Critical Damage, every 2% Critical Rate increases Critical Damage by 1%, maximum 50%)

A very good early item for Hou Yi is Eternity Blade. This item can provide great damage and good critical synergy with passive skills. With this item, the damage will be greater in the Early Game.

3. Shadow Reaper

Shadow Shredder
Shadow Shredder
  • +35% Attack Speed
  • +25% Critical Rate
  • +5% Movement Speed
  • Storm strike (Increases Basic Attack Damage by 40, After Critical, ASPD increases by 20% and Movement by 5% for 3 seconds)

Because this hero’s passive skill also counts on-hits such as critical, you need ASPD and critical items so that the possibility of activation becomes more frequent. Therefore, Shadow Ripper is the right solution because it provides ASPD Crit and a passive effect that makes Hou Yi even more vicious.

4. Dawn

  • +50 Physical Attack
  • +35% Attack speed
  • +10% Critical Rate
  • Sunder (Physical Pierce 20%, Double for Ranged Hero)
  • Daybreaker(Basic Attack Damage +50, Double for Ranged Heroes)

In the Mid Game, the enemy usually has enough armor to withstand your attacks. And the way to keep the damage coming in is to use Daybreaker which has good penetration and ASPD damage and crit stats. The enemy will of course panic when facing you.

5. Blood Sweeper

Blood sweeper
Blood sweeper
  • +100 Physical Attack
  • +25% Physical Life
  • +500 Max Health
  • Revive (Increases blood by 400~610 in 5 seconds when blood decreases below 30%, Cooldown: 20 seconds)

As an ADC, of ​​course you need more Lifesteal items maintain during war. And to make Hou Yi scary, you can use Bloodweeper because this item’s lifesteal is quite large, so this hero’s passive effect can provide a large lifesteal too.

6. Sun chaser

sun chaser
sun chaser
  • +25% Attack Speed
  • +10% Critical Rate
  • +5% Movement Speed
  • Precision (Basic Attack +50, Double for long range heroes)
  • Active-Daybreak (Increases Basic Attack range by 150 and Movement by 20% for 5 seconds, Cooldown 60 seconds)

The last item you really need is Sunchaser. This item provides a good increase in the range of active effects and even more damage thanks to its passive effect. And of course this item was made specifically for Archers who need additional attack distance.

King’s Honor Hou Yi Situational Item

Hou Yi Situational Items
Hou Yi Situational Items

There are several items that seem to really suit Hou Yi, but we will classify these items into several situations or conditions to make it easier to explain them as a whole.

First, when the opponent uses the situation Crowd Control a lot, you can change your shoes to Boots of Resistance so you can get out of the CC effect and use your ulti to save yourself.

Then in the situation when the enemy uses a hero or item with high lifesteal, you can also use Mortal Punisher and replace Bloodweeper because this item, apart from giving Lifesteal, can also reduce the opponent’s regeneration and lifesteal.

And if you face an enemy whose blood is thick, there’s no harm in using Doomsday as a replacement for Bloodweeper. However, make this item at the start of the game so that you are safe in the mid game.

You can also replace Sunchaser with Destiny when needed so that Hou Yi can survive and avoid death when exposed to large damage while fighting with your team.

Hou Yi Arcana Honor of Kings

Hou Yi Arcana
Hou Yi Arcana

Apart from items, Honor of Kings also has an Arcana system where players can arrange around 30 Emblem Slots divided into 3 categories. For Hou Yi, the following are Arcana that are suitable for use.

  • Blue: 7x Hunt, 3x Reaver
  • Green: 10x Eagle Eye
  • Red: 10x Calamity

This Arcana will provide very good Lifesteal, Crit Rate, Physical Attack, Physical Penetration, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed ​​and is able to protect this hero in various situations and conditions.

So, that’s the best Hou Yi Honor of Kings build that you can try in the HOK game. Come on, straight away level your opponents in the Ranked Match using the build we provide, bro! You can also check out tips and tricks for playing HOK from Gamebrott.

Also read other interesting Gamebrott related information Honor of Kings or a detailed article by Javier Ferdano. For further information and other questions, please contact us via author@gamebrott.com

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