
4 Best Balatro Combos for Endless Mode, Can Be Infinite!

Balatro Combo – The Gila Balatro Virus is of course still a topic of conversation among gamers. Many gamers have achieved high scores. However, some gamers are still confused about how to achieve this score

After previously sharing Balatro tips for beginners, now is the time for us to talk about the best combos that you can use so you can play in Endless mode easily.

Disclaimer: This article explains several combos that you can use to play in Endless mode. Please remember that each of these combos can be combined to get a higher score but separated to make it easier to understand.

4 Best Balatro Combos for Endless Mode

Best Combo

Before we discuss the Best Balatro Combo that you can use, it would be a good idea to discuss the 3 Jokers first, namely Blueprint, Brainstorm, and Invisible Joker. You can of course use these 3 Jokers in every combo.

Because of the effects Blueprint and Brainstorm can do copy Other jokers available, as well as Invisible which can be sold to get a copy of the Joker you have, don’t think it’s necessary to mention each combo in this article. The author here only explains the essence of the existing combos.

Glass King Card + DNA + Canio

Canio Glass DNA
Canio Glass DNA

The first combo that you can use to play Endless is Glass King Card, DNA Joker, and also Canio Joker. This combo is a little difficult to achieve because Canio is the key to achieving a bigger multiplier.

The aim of this combo is to catch the Glass trigger which gives a 2x multiplier and even if the card breaks, Canio will get a permanent multiplier increase. And you don’t need to worry because DNA will of course provide duplicate cards so you still maintain the stock of cards in the deck.

This combo is very effective for compiling a deck containing all Glass King cards. You can also bring Blueprint and Brainstorm so that DNA can make 3 duplicate cards.

Triboulet + Socks and Buskins

Triboulet Sucking N Buskin
Triboulet Sucking N Buskin

You can also combine the next combo with the Canio combo, namely by using Triboulet and Sock and Buskin. Triboulet awards a x2 multiplier every time a King and Queen is played.

If you successfully play a Full House, Flush Five, or Five of a Kind containing a King, you will get x32 Multiplier from the initial multiplier. And this is where Sock and Buskin shines as this card will once again activate the Triboulet effect for every card played.

As a result, these 2 Jokers are able to give you a x1024 multiplier and if you add the Glass Card combo or even bring Blueprint and Brainstorm, you can achieve an extraordinary score.

Perkeo + Observatory Voucher

Perkeo Observatory
Perkeo Observatory

Perkeo is indeed a Legendary Joker who has a lot of potential. This joker effect doesn’t really affect the multiplier because it only duplicates the consumables in inventory and is given a negative effect.

However, there is a combo that makes it possible to give a very high score, namely the presence of an Observatory Voucher. This voucher has the effect that each planet card in your inventory will give you a x1.5 multiplier if you play the poker hand.

If you play high cards, the observatory will see how many pluto planet cards are in your inventory, and if you have dozens of pluto cards, of course this will give you a x1.5 multiplier. And if you combine Perkeo with brainstorm and blueprint, you will get 3 duplicates for each round and increase Observatory triggers.

Iron King + Baron + Mime cards

Best Balatro Combo
Best Balatro Combo

The previous combos really depended on the Legendary Joker which was very difficult to get. And for this combo, you don’t need to worry about looking for legendary because you only use 1 Rare joker and 1 Uncommon joker.

Yes, this combo is a combo that can make you reach Infinite score if executed correctly. Baron Joker gives a x1.5 multiplier effect for each king in hand and Iron card gives the same effect, namely x1.5 multiplier too.

What if these 2 cards are triggered again by Mime? Of course you will see an extraordinary score where 1 king iron card will be active 4x. And if you combine it with Red Seal as well as Brainstorm and Blueprint, the Trigger for 1 card can reach 10-16x depending on the trigger arrangement.

So, with this last combo, you can produce a very big score even the in-game system only displays E in the number and if you maximize it with Perkeo and Observatory, the combo will reach Infinite.

So, those are the 4 Balatro Combos that you can use when playing Endless mode so you can achieve the highest score in the game. So, which combo have you tried, brott?

Also read other interesting Gamebrott related information Guide or a detailed article by Javier Ferdano. For further information and other questions, please contact us via author@gamebrott.com

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