
Build Corin Zenless Zone Zero Best

Build Zenless Corin Zone Zone – Corin is one of the Rank A Zenless Zone Zero characters who hold the physical attribute with specialty attacks. He is a member of the Victoria Housekeeping Co. Faction, like Lycaon.

In Kit, Corin is an attack unit that can provide a lot of damage when the enemy is successfully made. Unfortunately, Corin was quite weak with AOE’s enemy so he was only suitable to be brought to a single-target enemy.

So, this article will discuss the best guide to Build Corin Zenless Zero Zero, complete with W-Engine recommendations, Drive Disc, and also the composition of the team.

Build Zenless Corin Zone Zone

Build Zenless Corin Zone Zone

Here are the best recommendations for the Corin Zzz build that you can try, complete with W-Engine, Drive Disc, and Best Team for him:

W-Engine Corin

Build Zenless Corin Zone Zone
  • Housekeeper: When off-field, energy regen increased by 0.45/dtk. When the Ex Special Attack regarding the enemy, DMG physical users increased by 3%, piled up to 15 times and lasted for 1 dtk. Repeated triggers will reset the duration.
  • Steel Pillow: Increase physical DMG by 20%. DMG users increased by 25% when attacking enemies from behind.
  • Rotor Cannon: Increase ATK by 7.5%. Land Critical Hit to the enemy will give an additional 200% ATK as DMG. This effect can be triggered once every 8 seconds.
  • Lunar – Noviluna: Launching Ex Special Attack produces 3 energy for its users. This effect can be triggered once every 12 seconds.

Disc Disc Corin

Build Zenless Corin Zone Zone
Fanged metal
  • 4-pc Fanged Metal: Every time the team members give attack to the enemy, the equipment giver gives 35% additional DMG to the target for 12 seconds.
    2-Pc Woodpecker Electro: Increasing Crit Rate by 8%.
  • 4-Pc Pufffer Electro: Ultimate DMG increased by 20%. Launching Ultimate Increases User ATK by 15% for 12 seconds.
    2-Pc Woodpecker Electro: Increasing Crit Rate by 8%.

For stats on DISCS, you can focus on playing and sub as follows:

  • 6: ATK
  • 5: Physical DMG
  • 4: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
  • Sub -statistics: Crit DMG, Crit Level, ATK

Best Corin Team

Build Zenless Corin Zone Zone
  • Housekeeper Team: Corin (Attack), Lycaon (Stun), Rina (Support), Butler Bangboo.
  • F2P Team: Corin (Attack), Billy Kid (Attack), Anby (Stun), Bangboo Booressure.

That is the information about the Best Corin Zenless Zone Zero Build Complete with W-Engines, Drive Discs and also the Best Team Composition for him. Hopefully this information can help those of you who want to maximize the potential of Corin in the battle on your team, yes!

Also read interesting information about other gamebrott related to Zzz or other articles from Sofie Diana. For further information and other inquiries, you can contact us via author@gamebrott.com

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