A debt mutual fund can be invest in for a short or lengthy period of time. If you have fewer than five years to invest, you should most likely purchase debt funds. When picking a debt fund to invest in, an investor should consider their financial goals, their risk tolerance, and the length of time …
Top 7 – Different Types of Hybrid Fund
Investments within the same asset class have a high degree of return correlation since the risk sources and return-affecting factors are comparable. However, investments in diverse asset classes tend to have low return correlation since their risk sources and return-influencing characteristics are distinct. Let us understand the different types of hybrid fund in this topic. …
Hedge Fund – Meaning, Examples, Features, Benefits
Hedge funds are investment pools whose managers employ a range of tactics, such as utilizing borrowed money to buy and sell “exotic” assets, in an attempt to earn higher returns than their investors’ typical rate of return. Alternative sources of capital carry greater inherent risk. Let us understand the meaning of hedge fund with examples, …