
Bluechip Funds – Meaning, Examples, Benefits, Characteristics

The majority of a blue-chip mutual fund’s holdings are comprise of the blue-chip stocks of a corporation. These stocks are issue by large, prosperous, long-standing corporations. Utilize this guide to discover more about meaning of bluechip funds with examples, including how they function, benefits and characteristics information.

Because these funds invest mostly in well-known and profitable companies, they are ideal for long-term investors seeking to achieve their financial objectives. Those who wish to increase the value of their portfolios may discover that investing in “blue chip” funds is a wise decision.

Meaning of Bluechip Funds

Bluechip funds are mutual funds that invest primarily in the stocks of publicly listed, major corporations. Included among equity mutual funds are blue chip funds. These are well-known and prosperous enterprises that have existed for some time. According to the SEBI’s classification criteria, however, Blue Chip funds are not a recognize sort of mutual fund. Investors frequently refer to funds that invest in significant corporations as “Blue Chips”.

A bluechip fund is a type of equity strategy that provides investors with a portfolio of stocks with a reputation for consistent financial success. This type of investment is a blue-chip investment. Even though these funds may not gain as much when the market rises, they should lose less when it falls.

Due to this, they are valuable in times of crisis, increase the overall quality of the portfolio, and reduce risk. Blue-chip companies are those that have a lengthy history of consistently providing investors with high returns. There is little risk associate with these types of investments.

Examples of Bluechip Funds

Financial consultants and fund companies in India frequently use the term “bluechip” to refer to large cap funds. The term “bluechip” is frequently include in the strategy category name of large-cap mutual funds. The Axis Bluechip Funds, the ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund, and the SBI Bluechip funds are examples of well-known large cap plans with the word “bluechip” in their titles.

When discussing US mutual fund managers and schemes, “emerging” is frequently use after “bluechip”. Consider that they are both blue chip plans, despite the fact that one is large and the other is modest. This group includes the ICICI Prudential US Bluechip Fund and the Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund, among others.

Characteristics of Bluechip Mutual Funds

Blue-chip stocks are those that consistently provide investors with significant returns and enhance the overall quality of their portfolios. The blue-chip fund invests in companies that have been in existence for a long time and generate substantial profits.

They reassure investors that their investments are dependable and secure. A blue-chip mutual fund, often known as a growth fund, is an alternative term for a growth fund. We have compiled a list of characteristics of bluechip mutual funds:

Confident Gains

Dividends are payments payable from profits to shareholders. This is something that blue chip firms do four times per year. When investing in well-known companies, investors may be assure that their funds are secure. This security comes with the assurance of constant and guaranteed returns.

Possibility of Risk Factor

Due to the fact that blue-chip stocks are typically issue by large, financially secure corporations. There is less risk associate with purchasing them. Diversifying an investor’s portfolio is one approach to mitigate the impact of losing money on blue chip stocks.

Future Growth and Change Potential

Bluechip corporations are in a position where they can easily fulfil their financial obligations and commitments. As a direct result, investors could purchase shares from these companies with a great deal of confidence. This has an influence on blue-chip corporations, whose value continues to rise over time.

Horizon for the Duration of Investments

The majority of investments have a time horizon of at least seven years. Blue-chip stocks are a terrific approach to help you attain your long-term financial objectives because they provide a longer time period for investments. This implies that the rising demand for blue chips leads their prices to be significantly higher than those of their competitors.

Numerous investors like to include blue-chip funds in their portfolios because the returns they provide over lengthy periods of time are highly reliable. Typically, these companies are refer to as “blue chips”.

Types of Bluechip Funds

These large corporations instantly increase the portfolio’s diversity and reduce their overall risk. This method features a minimal degree of risk, a stable rate of compounding through time, and a high rate of return. There are three distinct types of bluechip funds available.

Large-cap Funds

It is simple to understand why that would be the case. The majority of a large size fund’s holdings are among the top 100 businesses in their industry. They are therefore protect from the risk of failure face by small and medium-sized firms. On the other side, many of these large-cap corporations give lower returns, but they are also associate with lower risk.

A large-cap fund’s primary objective is to diversify risk. It constructs investment portfolios with the objective of maximising profits while assuming a certain level of risk. Active large-cap fund managers are project to generate alpha by significantly outperforming the Nifty. Because active large-cap funds have higher total expense ratios, this is the case (TERs).

Mix of Large and Mid Cap Funds

When a company’s market capitalization exceeds $10 billion, we refer to it as having a “high cap.” For a corporation to qualify as a mid-cap, its market capitalization must exceed $2 billion. The majority of the time, these funds only invest in Fortune 250 firms. This is done to reduce the portfolio’s risk.

When you invest in blue chip funds, you do not need to sacrifice short-term income flow in order to save for long-term goals, such as retirement or your child’s college tuition. When it comes to financing such long-term aspirations, blue-chip funds are an excellent alternative to consider.

Index Funds

Buying shares in an index fund is similar to purchasing shares in a passive investment that does not seek to outperform the market but rather seeks to achieve the same return as the index it tracks. Index funds are design to replicate the performance of a certain index.

This is accomplished by investing the fund’s assets in a portfolio whose holdings and weightings match those of the index. Therefore, it is the responsibility of index fund managers to minimize tracking error to the greatest extent possible. Index funds often have lower operational expenses than active funds.

Benefits of Bluechip Mutual Funds

Investing in blue-chip companies can expedite your accumulation of wealth over time. This application will assist you in locating reputable and profitable firms in which you can invest your money. If you want to shield your primary investments from the fluctuations of the stock market, Blue Chip funds are an excellent option to consider.

With benefits of bluechip mutual funds, you can gradually increase your wealth. This tool makes it simpler to invest in businesses that are financially secure and have a proven track record of success. If you want to shield your primary investments from the fluctuations of the stock market, Blue Chip funds are an excellent option to consider.

Financial Goals

Investing in Blue Chip funds could be the most effective approach to ensure financial security in the future. Long-term investments in blue-chip mutual funds can be use to save money for things such as a down payment on a home or retirement.


The units of Bluechip funds can be redeem at any time and in any location. When finances are tight, it might be useto withdraw from an investment. Blue Chip fund units may also be use as collateral to secure a loan.

Economic Safeguard

Blue Chip corporations are often rather large, and they may have a substantial economic advantage over their rivals. Blue Chips are easy to identify due to their use of the term “blue chip”.

It gives these businesses an advantage over their rivals and other businesses in the same industry. It allows you to gain a larger market share and earn more money over time, even while accounting for inflation.


Investment decisions should not be made until the fees, exit costs, and tax impacts of these bluechip funds have been thoroughly evaluated. Before investing in these funds, investors must have a solid understanding of their valuation. It is in your best advantage to diversify your investments in order to maximize your return. Having a connection between your financial objectives, your risk tolerance, and the amount of time you’re ready to devote could be beneficial.

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